Meet Boris and Doris, as in love now as they were many years ago when they joined us for their first Christmas! It was so gorgeous to rediscover them yesterday, brought out of their dusty hibernation. They weren’t the only precious discovery. One by one, we retrieved tissue wrapped memories from crates and placed them on our tree. So much wonder and delight. “Yay, Boris and Doris. They’re still kissing!” “Can we have a star at the top of the tree rather than your freaky angel?” “Doesn’t the giant Father Christmas always sit in your wise chair?” I didn’t realise how much we all needed the comfort and familiarity of a family ritual. There was no mention of the bad germs. Just time spent entrenched in shared moments in which we all knew our roles. So different from the uncertainty that has been woven in to this past year.
I hope you find comfort and familiarity in some of the rituals of this festive period. I certainly hope you fare better than my ‘freaky angel’. She’s been demoted to standing on my candle tin. I’ve made sure she is out of view of the tree though, I don’t want to hurt her feelings, Amy✨