I wonder if you have Wellbeing Tools ready to use in 2022✨?
I’d like to introduce you to my Wellbeing Tool and Guide for 2022 – Buster🐾. He makes my Wellbeing shine…brightly✨. At 5 months old, he has taught me so much already:
1) Nature is magical 🌿🪄. When the door to outside is open, spring out and inhale. Take it all in. Rain, leaves, mud, a passing squirrel – it’s all there for you to enjoy💚.
2) Loved ones are precious 😍. Let them know. Greet them as though it’s been forever since you last met, even if they’ve only popped out the room to grab a drink☕. Overwhelm them with how much you love them!
3) Enjoy your food. Every morsel. With relish😋. (Also, don’t worry too much if you wear parts of your last meal on your chin 😊. You can always come back for it later.)
And, finally,
4) Notice how your loved ones are feeling and choose just to be with them💞. You don’t have to do anything. But they will feel so glad of your company (a heavy paw also helps).
So, for 2022, I am going to keep noticing what Buster does and be more like Buster 🐾. I’d love to hear what Wellbeing Tools you are taking into this year ⬇️✨
Image: Photograph of a black puppy with brown eyes sat on a green carpet wearing a blue and white checked bandana. The photograph is set on a white background with the text 'My Wellbeing Tool Buster!' The Worry Wizard logo is in the bottom left hand corner.
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