I’m very much a ‘let’s sit and talk, two chairs, me and you, type of person’. I’ve never been a ‘stand up in front of a room full of people and talk at them’ type of person. But recently I’ve realised I’m not standing there on my own. I’m standing there surrounded by all the amazing children (and adults) I’ve met along the way, tasked with trying to share some of the amazing things they’ve taught me. So whilst I’ll always be more comfortable doing the first, I know I need to challenge myself to do the second. Yesterday I did just that (well I actually sat on a chair at the back of the room!). It felt really exciting to share with Bigfoot Arts Education some of the things I’ve been taught about Worries and Wellbeing. Thank you so much to each and every Bigfooter for making yesterday so creative, exciting and fun-filled. It was brilliant to share in all your imaginations. I loved our after training chats. I can’t wait for us to start delivering The Worry Wizard Wellbeing Programme in schools, together. Thank you also to Chay Hawes for all his help getting EVERYTHING ready for yesterday. Your ears must be burning. Your illustrations went down a storm ⛈. And finally, a big thank you to my technical wizard. I’m so lucky you’re right by my side. Hopefully you enjoy being needed 🤦🏻♀️♥️. #TheWorryWizard #fromWorriestoWellbeing #wellbeing #mentalhealth #mentalhealthandwellbeing #bigfootersdoitbest #actionpants #together