Today is an exciting day for The Worry Wizard®✨.
Our small (But Mighty) team has been working (Very) hard to deliver something special💙.
‘My Wellbeing Fun Pack!’, our brand-new Worry Wizard resource, enables us to deliver The Worry Wizard at home🏡.
Comprising of 5 separate unique pieces of Worry Wizard post, 'My Wellbeing Fun Pack!' is designed to nurture emotional connection between a child and their grownup💕.
“'My Wellbeing Fun Pack!' is jam packed with activities that have two key purposes. To strengthen your confidence to support your child’s Wellbeing and to encourage your child to discover new ways to engage with their Wellbeing whilst building tools to support it. We can’t wait to share it with you.”
We are so grateful to the Blue Sky Foundation, whose generous support is enabling us to deliver 20 ‘My Wellbeing Fun Packs’ to Nugent Adoption, to support the vital work they do with families. A very big thank you as well to the Community Foundation for Merseyside and Lancashire. We very much appreciate both your support and your belief in our work.
The boot of the car is full to the brim🚗. It is time to deliver the first half of these packs to Nugent Adoption and begin the exciting work of exploring how best they can use our brand-new resource to support their families.
#fromworriestowellbeing #together #Community #meaningfulcommunity #bettertogether #mywellbeingfunpack #parenting #parentingadvice #childrensmentalhealth #mentalhealth #mentalhealthsupport #childrenscounselling #everymindmatters #emotionalliteracy #family #adoption #wellbeing #togetherstronger #wellbeinginaction #inthistogether #earlyintervention #workingtogether #WorkingTogetherWorks